The high-performance coaching program for growing your GOLF business faster and more profitably with the help of high-level profitable coaches.

There are THREE objectives of the GOLF PROFIT MASTERMING program:

1. To dramatically increase you golf business profit.

2. Build an amazing golf business in which you work less hours.

3. Help change your way of life and that of your clients.

If you already have an established golf business and you want to take it to the next level fast then this may be for you.

Please read this page very carefully to see if you qualify.

Qualification criteria

There is a qualification process for each golf business as Rowdy and Peter will be personally delivering the “GPS Mastermind” coaching program and we can only work with a small group of qualified golf professionals who want to achieve the 3 objectives above. We need to make sure you’re ready now and (because of our guarantee below) you’ll implement what you commit to.
This program is for successful golf businesses owners from around the world. It’s very exciting, producing unprecedented PROFITS for you and your golf business, however, it’s not for everyone. 

Who it’s not for? 

 Golf Businesses that have a track record of FTI – Failure To Implement.
 “Closed Minded” golf businesses – you need to be able to implement new and exciting ideas.
 Small golf businesses – you need to be established and have at least $100K in annual revenue.
 Large Golf Businesses – if you’re over $10M then we can look at something different – apply anyway. 

Who is it for? 

 Ambitious golf businesses – who want to dominate and DOUBLE or TRIPLE PROFIT in the near future.
 A solid golf business now – measured by awards, good KPI’s or what you have already implemented.
 Sharer – MUST be willing to share IP with other golf businesses. No give, no get!
 Good people who are fun to work with!


The format of the program is the ‘secret sauce’ that makes the Mastermind program work so well. When we get to speak, we’ll give you the exact format in detail and we’ll see if it works for you. Rest assured the format is the right mix of face to face / zoom coaching, study tours, networking and 1:1 support. We work with you every month until your goals are met.
This program is for successful golf businesses owners from around the world. It’s very exciting, producing unprecedented PROFITS for you and your golf business, however, it’s not for everyone. 


This program is not cheap. It’s not designed to be. 

The “GOLF PROFIT SYSTEMS” that we use are GUARANTEED SUCCESSFUL systems that work for all golf businesses.

However, (at this stage) you don’t know that they’re going to work for you. To give you some comfort, we are prepared to guarantee your results.

If you implement everything you commit to (as guided by us) then we will GUARANTEE your return on your investment. If you implement everything and don't match your investment in NEW PROFIT, then we will refund that year’s annual fee in full.

SIMPLE AS THAT. You implement everything you commit to with our guidance and you get a massive PROFIT return every year.

The process from here

You can apply using the form below. 

We will then review your application and come back to you very quickly if we are going to the next step.

The next step after your application will be a 1:1 Zoom call with us and all of your business partners. 

We will have more questions for you so we can get a ‘feel’ for your golf business and if you’re a great fit for the other businesses we are working with.

Once we both agree that it’s going to work, you’ll sign up and we’ll get started when there is a vacancy.
This is only for those that have the desire and momentum for REAL SUCCESS in their Golf Business.
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